 Job Postings 
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286 matching job postings found Login
Category Job Type Job Title Posting Number Posting Date Close Date Location
Administrative Assistant Principal LCISD Assistant Principal Applicant Pool 00004997 05/23/2022
Administrative Associate Principal Associate Principal, High School (2024-2025) 00006389 02/28/2024
Administrative Attorney Attorney 00005996 05/24/2023 Administration Building
Administrative Bond Program Office Construction Manager 00006496 04/18/2024 Bond Program Office
Administrative Child Nutrition Child Nutrition Human Resources Coordinator 00006683 08/12/2024 Child Nutrition
Administrative College/Career Facilitator College/Career Facilitator 00006663 07/25/2024 Alternative Learning Ctr
Administrative Parent Educator Parent Educator, Title I 00006666 07/30/2024 Lamar High School
Administrative Parent Educator Parent Educator, Title I 00006648 07/03/2024 Terry High School
Administrative Performing & Visual Arts Director, Performing and Visual Arts 00006619 06/20/2024 Performing & Visual Arts
Administrative Principal Principal, Elementary 00006299 02/05/2024
Administrative Principal Principal, High School 00006302 02/05/2024
Administrative Principal Principal, Junior High 00006301 02/05/2024
Administrative Principal Principal, Middle School 00006300 02/05/2024
Administrative Special Education Adult Transition Program Coordinator 00006607 06/13/2024 Special Education
Administrative Special Education Director, Behavior Services 00006528 04/24/2024 Special Education
Administrative Teaching & Learning Instructional Coordinator, Elementary Science (Admin) 00006642 06/27/2024 Teaching & Learning
Administrative Technology Cybersecurity Manager 00006604 06/13/2024 Technical Services
Administrative Technology Director, Network Services 00006711 09/06/2024 Technical Services
Administrative Technology Systems Administrator 00006655 07/19/2024 Technical Services
Certified Athletic Trainer Athletic Trainer (2024-2025) 00006526 04/22/2024
Certified Band Assistant Band Director, High School (2024-2025) 00006463 03/26/2024
Certified Coordinator Testing Coordinator/Academic Facilitator 00006344 02/07/2024
Certified Counselor Counselor, Elementary 00006345 02/06/2024
Certified Counselor Counselor, Elementary 00006703 09/04/2023 Randle Elementary
Certified Counselor Counselor, Secondary 00006346 02/06/2024
Certified Counselor Counselor, Social Skills / Reset (2024-2025) 00006657 07/19/2024
Certified Counselor Counselor, Special Education 00006348 02/06/2024 Special Education
Certified Counselor Counselor, Special Sites (2024-2025) 00006556 05/07/2024
Certified Diagnostician Educational Diagnostician 00006347 02/06/2024 Special Education
Certified Facilitator/Specialist Curriculum Content Specialist (Elementary Math) 00006708 09/05/2024 09/19/2024 11:59 PM Teaching & Learning
Certified Facilitator/Specialist EB Specialist 00006337 02/06/2024
Certified Facilitator/Specialist EB Specialist, Elementary, Part-time (2024-2025) 00006564 05/13/2024
Certified Facilitator/Specialist EB Specialist, Part-Time Middle School (2024-2025) 00006485 04/15/2024
Certified Facilitator/Specialist ESL Coach, Secondary 00006338 02/06/2024
Certified Facilitator/Specialist Gifted & Talented Facilitator 00006352 02/07/2024 Advanced Studies
Certified Facilitator/Specialist Testing Coordinator/EB Specialist 00006350 02/06/2024
Certified Instructional Coach Instructional Coach, Elementary 00006340 02/07/2024
Certified Instructional Coach Instructional Coach, Secondary 00006341 02/07/2024
Certified Librarian Librarian 00006353 02/07/2024
Certified Nurse School Nurse, Elementary (2024-2025) 00006451 03/21/2024
Certified Nurse School Nurse, High School (2024-2025) 00006453 03/21/2024
Certified Nurse School Nurse, Junior High (2024-2025) 00006452 03/21/2024
Certified Part-Time New Teacher Mentor Part-Time New Teacher Mentor 00006568 05/21/2024
Certified Registrar Registrar 00006672 08/01/2024 Terry High School
Certified Special Education ARD Specialist (2024-2025) 00006532 04/26/2024 Special Education
Certified Special Education Behavior Interventionist (2024-2025) 00006385 Special Education
Certified Special Education Occupational Therapist 00006355 02/07/2024 Special Education
Certified Special Education Program Specialist SLC 00006356 02/07/2024 Special Education
Certified Special Education Program Specialist, Resource & Inclusion (2024-2025) 00006584 06/03/2024 Special Education
Certified Special Education School Psychologist 00006369 02/09/2024 Special Education
Certified Special Education School Psychologist, Intern 00006370 02/09/2024 Special Education
Certified Special Education Transition Specialist 00006357 02/07/2024 Special Education
Certified Speech Pathologist Speech Language and Hearing Pathologist 00006358 02/07/2024
Certified Speech Pathologist Speech Language and Hearing Pathologist Assistant 00006359 02/07/2024
Certified Teacher, ALC/Special Sites Teacher, High School Electives (2024-2025) 00006381 02/21/2024
Certified Teacher, ALC/Special Sites Teacher, Special Sites (2024-2025) 00006531 04/26/2024 16-21 Place
Certified Teacher, ALC/Special Sites Teacher, Special Sites, Special Ed / P.E. (2024-2025) 00006695 08/21/2024
Certified Teacher, ALC/Special Sites Teacher, Special Sites, Special Education (2024-2025) 00006361 02/07/2024
Certified Teacher, Elementary Teacher, Art (2024-2025) 00006460 03/26/2024
Certified Teacher, Elementary Teacher, EC-6 Generalist (2024-2025) 00006303 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Elementary Teacher, EC-6 Generalist Bilingual (2024-2025) 00006710 09/06/2024 Lindsey Elementary
Certified Teacher, Elementary Teacher, EC-6 Generalist Bilingual (2024-2025) 00006304 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Elementary Teacher, Music (2024-2025) 00006458 03/26/2024
Certified Teacher, Elementary Teacher, Physical Education (2023-2024) 00006333 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Elementary Teacher, Pre-K (2024-2025) 00006305 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Elementary Teacher, Pre-K Bilingual (2024-2025) 00006306 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Elementary Teacher, Science (2024-2025) 00006382 02/21/2024
Certified Teacher, Elementary Teacher, Special Education (2024-2025) 00006307 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Elementary Teacher, Special Education Compliance SLC / $10,000 Stipend (2024-2025) 00006383 02/21/2024
Certified Teacher, Elementary Teacher, Special Education ECSE (2024-2025) 00006308 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Elementary Teacher, Special Education SESC (2024-2025) 00006309 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Elementary Teacher, Special Education SLC (2024-2025) 00006310 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Elementary Teacher, Special Education, CAP (2024-2025) 00006555 05/07/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Agricultural Science (2024-2025) 00006546 05/07/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, American Sign Language (2024-2025) 00006363 02/07/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Art (2024-2025) 00006461 03/26/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Assistant Band, Junior High (2024-2025) 00006566 05/20/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Automotive Technology (2024-2025) 00006384 02/21/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, AVID (2024-2025) 00006582 06/03/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Band Middle School (2024-2025) 00006462 03/26/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Band, Junior High (2024-2025) 00006534 04/26/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Choir, High School (2024-2025) 00006533 04/26/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Choir, Junior High (2024-2025) 00006331 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Choir, Middle School (2024-2025) 00006693 08/21/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Computer Science (2024-2025) 00006656 07/19/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Credit Recovery / Bilingual Support (2024-2025) 00006530 04/26/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Culinary Arts, 2024-2025 00006577 05/28/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Dance (2024-2025) 00006465 03/26/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Dual Credit English, High School (2024-2025) 00006311 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Dual Credit Math, High School (2024-2025) 00006312 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Dual Credit Science, High School (2024-2025) 00006313 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Dual Credit Social Studies, High School (2024-2025) 00006314 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, English Language Arts, High School (2024-2025) 00006315 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, English Language Arts, Junior High (2024-2025) 00006316 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, English Language Arts, Middle School (2024-2025) 00006317 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Family & Consumer Science 00006261 01/09/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, French (2024-2025) 00006362 02/07/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Health Science (2024-2025) 00006547 05/07/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Home Economics, High School (2024-2025) 00006588 06/04/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Law Enforcement (2024-2025) 00006518 04/18/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Marketing, High School (2024-2025) 00006538 05/03/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Math, High School (2024-2025) 00006318 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Math, Junior High (2024-2025) 00006319 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Math, Middle School (2024-2025) 00006320 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, PALS, Secondary (2024-2025) 00006486 04/16/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Physical Education (2024-2025) 00006487 04/16/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Principles of Engineering (2024-2025) 00006548 05/07/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Project Lead the Way 00006694 08/21/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Science / Social Studies, Secondary (2024-2025) 00006339 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Science, High School (2024-2025) 00006321 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Science, Junior High(2024-2025) 00006322 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Science, Middle School (2024-2025) 00006323 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Social Studies, High School (2024-2025) 00006324 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Social Studies, Junior High (2024-2025) 00006325 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Social Studies, Middle School (2024-2025) 00006326 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Spanish (2024-2025) 00006365 02/08/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Special Education (2024-2025) 00006327 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Special Education, SESC (2024-2025) 00006488 04/16/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Special Education, SLC (2024-2025) 00006328 02/06/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Technology (2024-2025) 00006525 04/22/2024
Certified Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Theater Arts 2024-2025 00006464 03/26/2024
Certified Teacher-Other Teacher, Homebound (2023-2024) 00006445 03/18/2024
Certified Testing Coordinator Testing Coordinator, Secondary (2024-2025) 00006540 05/03/2024
Certified Tutor Part-Time Tutor, Math (2024-2025) 00006329 02/06/2024
Certified Tutor Part-Time Tutor, Reading (2024-2025) 00006330 02/06/2024
Classified Athletics Athletic Event Worker 00005312 04/12/2022 Athletic Admn
Classified Child Nutrition Assistant Kitchen Manager 00006021 06/08/2023 Child Nutrition
Classified Child Nutrition Child Nutrition Maintenance Technician 00006628 06/25/2024 Child Nutrition
Classified Child Nutrition Child Nutrition Maintenance Technician, Supervisor 00006641 06/27/2024 Child Nutrition
Classified Child Nutrition Child Nutrition Specialist 00006023 06/08/2023 Child Nutrition
Classified Child Nutrition Floating Manager II, Child Nutrition 00006639 06/27/2024 Child Nutrition
Classified Child Nutrition Manager I, Child Nutrition 00006024 06/08/2023 Child Nutrition
Classified Child Nutrition Supervisor, Child Nutrition 00006629 06/25/2024 Child Nutrition
Classified Maintenance & Operations Custodian, Day (Secondary) 00006687 08/19/2024 Maintenance & Operations
Classified Maintenance & Operations Custodian, Lead I 00006455 03/21/2024 Maintenance & Operations
Classified Maintenance & Operations Custodian, Lead II 00006456 03/21/2024 Maintenance & Operations
Classified Maintenance & Operations Custodian, Night 00005346 04/19/2022 Maintenance & Operations
Classified Maintenance & Operations Floor Care Technician 00006083 07/23/2023 Maintenance & Operations
Classified Maintenance & Operations Lawn Works Tech 00006466 03/26/2024 Maintenance & Operations
Classified Police/Security Police Officer 00005929 03/28/2023 Police Department
Classified Police/Security Police Sergeant 00006709 09/06/2024 09/30/2024 11:59 PM Police Department
Classified Police/Security Safety and Security Specialist 00005905 03/21/2023 Security
Classified Student Worker Student Worker – Sound & Light Technician 00006173 10/03/2023
Classified Traffic Control Monitor Traffic Control Monitor 00005665 01/03/2023 Foster High School
Classified Traffic Control Monitor Traffic Control Monitor 00005666 01/03/2023 Lamar High School
Classified Traffic Control Monitor Traffic Control Monitor 00005667 01/03/2023 Randle High School
Classified Traffic Control Monitor Traffic Control Monitor 00005992 05/17/2023 Fulshear High School
Classified Transportation Aide, Bus 00005360 04/19/2022 Transportation
Classified Transportation Bus Driver 00005361 04/19/2022 Transportation
Classified Transportation Bus Operations Supervisor 00006686 08/16/2024 Transportation
Classified Transportation Mechanic I, Transportation 00005566 09/19/2022 Transportation
Classified Transportation Mechanic II, Transportation 00005436 06/07/2022 Transportation
Paraprofessional Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant, Assistant Principal 00006707 09/05/2024 Randle High School
Paraprofessional Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant, Director of Performing & Visual Arts 00006596 06/10/2024 Fine
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, ALC/Special Sites 00006536 04/30/2024 Alternative Learning Ctr
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, ALC/Special Sites (2024-2025) 00006497 04/18/2024
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, Bilingual/ESL (2024-2025) 00006498 04/18/2024
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, Compensatory 00006580 05/28/2024 Arredondo Elementary
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, Compensatory (2024-2025) 00006499 04/18/2024
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, Compliance and Academics Program (CAP) (2024-2025) 00006500 04/18/2024
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, Compliance Early Childhood Special Education (CECSE) 00006501 04/18/2024
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, Computer Assistance 00006502 04/18/2024
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, Early Childhood Special Education (2024-2025) 00006503 04/18/2024
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, In-School Suspension (2024-2025) 00006504 04/18/2024
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, Intervener (2024-2025) 00006505 04/18/2024
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, Learning Resource Center (LRC) (2024-2025) 00006506 04/18/2024
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, Learning Resource Center Part-Time (LRC) (2024-2025) 00006517 04/18/2024
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, Physical Education (2024-2025) 00006507 04/18/2024
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, Powell Point Program (2024-2025) 00006508 04/18/2024 Special Education
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, Pre-Kindergarten (2024-2025) 00006509 04/18/2024
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, Reset Program (2024-2025) 00006510 04/18/2024
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, Social Emotional Support Classroom (SESC) 00006511 04/18/2024
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, Special Education Additional Support 00006512 04/18/2024
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, Special Education Resource/Inclusion 00006537 04/30/2024 Juvenile Detention
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, Special Education Resource/Inclusion 00006696 08/22/2024 Reading Jr. High
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, Special Education Resource/Inclusion (2024-2025) 00006513 04/18/2024
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, Structured Learning Classroom (SLC) (2024-2025) 00006514 04/18/2024
Paraprofessional Aide Aide, Title I (2024-2025) 00006494 04/18/2024
Paraprofessional Aide Choir Assistant/Accompanist (2024-2025) 00006515 04/18/2024
Paraprofessional Aide Job Coach (2024-2025) 00006516 04/18/2024 Special Education
Paraprofessional Aide Lamar Consolidated Innovative School Day Paraprofessional 00006491 04/16/2024
Paraprofessional Clerk Clerk, Attendance (2024-2025) 00006598 06/11/2024
Paraprofessional Clerk Clerk, Attendance, Junior High School, (2023-2024) 00006252
Paraprofessional Clerk Clerk, Elementary 00006585 06/04/2024 Bentley Elementary
Paraprofessional Clerk Clerk, Elementary 00006702 09/03/2024 Randle Elementary
Paraprofessional Clerk Clerk, Elementary 00006700 08/29/2024 Carter Elementary
Paraprofessional Clerk Clerk, Elementary 00006677 08/05/2024 Frost Elementary
Paraprofessional Clerk Clerk, Elementary 00006682 08/09/2024 McNeill Elementary
Paraprofessional Clerk Clerk, Elementary 00006606 06/13/2024 Hutchison Elementary
Paraprofessional Clerk Clerk, Elementary 00006558 05/08/2024 Morgan Elementary
Paraprofessional Clerk Clerk, Middle School 00006559 05/09/2024 Roberts Middle School
Paraprofessional Clerk Clerk, Special Education Management Systems (SEMS) 00005629 10/31/2022 Special Education
Paraprofessional Clerk Clerk/Monitor (8 Hour) 00006664 07/27/2024 Jackson Elementary
Paraprofessional Clerk Clerk/Monitor (8 Hour) 00006706 09/05/2024 09/12/2024 11:59 PM Hutchison Elementary
Paraprofessional Clerk Clerk/Monitor (8 Hour) (24-25 School Year) 00006539 05/02/2024 Austin Elementary
Paraprofessional Clerk Clerk/Monitor (8 Hour) (24-25 School Year) 00006542 05/06/2024 Hubenak Elementary
Paraprofessional Clerk Clerk/Monitor (8 Hour) (24-25 School Year) 00006557 05/08/2024 Morgan Elementary
Paraprofessional Crossing Guard Crossing Guard 00005323 Jackson Elementary
Paraprofessional Crossing Guard Crossing Guard 00005326 Dickinson Elementary
Paraprofessional Crossing Guard Crossing Guard 00005327 Velasquez Elementary
Paraprofessional Crossing Guard Crossing Guard 00005330 Lindsey Elementary
Paraprofessional Crossing Guard Crossing Guard 00005578 Arredondo Elementary
Paraprofessional Crossing Guard Crossing Guard 00005559 Hubenak Elementary
Paraprofessional Crossing Guard Crossing Guard 00005321 Long Elementary
Paraprofessional Crossing Guard Crossing Guard 00005322 Adolphus Elementary
Paraprofessional Crossing Guard Crossing Guard 00005325 Travis Elementary
Paraprofessional Crossing Guard Crossing Guard 00005329 Thomas Elementary
Paraprofessional Crossing Guard Crossing Guard 00006699 08/29/2024 Randle Elementary
Paraprofessional Crossing Guard Crossing Guard 00006688 08/20/2024 Ray Elementary
Paraprofessional Licensed Vocational Nurse Campus Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN), Middle School (2024-2025) 00006454 03/21/2024
Paraprofessional Lunchroom Monitor Lunchroom Monitor (2.5 Hour) 00006250 01/04/2024 Austin Elementary
Paraprofessional Lunchroom Monitor Lunchroom Monitor (2.5 Hour) 00006131 08/23/2023 Morgan Elementary
Paraprofessional Lunchroom Monitor Lunchroom Monitor (2.5 Hour) 00006544 05/07/2024 Arredondo Elementary
Paraprofessional Lunchroom Monitor Lunchroom Monitor (2.5 Hour) 00006689 08/21/2024 Seguin Early Childhood
Paraprofessional Lunchroom Monitor Lunchroom Monitor (2.5 Hour) 00006680 08/08/2024 Thomas Elementary
Paraprofessional Lunchroom Monitor Lunchroom Monitor (2.5 Hour) 00006697 08/27/2024 Velasquez Elementary
Paraprofessional Lunchroom Monitor Lunchroom Monitor (2.5 Hour) 00006519 04/19/2024 Williams Elementary
Paraprofessional Lunchroom Monitor Lunchroom Monitor (2.5 Hour) 00006623 06/21/2024 Wertheimer Middle School
Paraprofessional Lunchroom Monitor Lunchroom Monitor (2.5 Hour) 00006652 07/17/2024 Randle Elementary
Paraprofessional Lunchroom Monitor Lunchroom Monitor (2.5 Hour) 00006662 07/24/2024 Gray Elementary
Paraprofessional Lunchroom Monitor Lunchroom Monitor (2.5 Hour) 00005938 04/05/2023 Bentley Elementary
Paraprofessional Lunchroom Monitor Lunchroom Monitor (2.5 Hour) 00005340 Huggins Elementary
Paraprofessional Lunchroom Monitor Lunchroom Monitor (2.5 Hour) 00005063 Culver Elementary
Paraprofessional Lunchroom Monitor Lunchroom Monitor (2.5 Hour) 00005390 Carter Elementary
Paraprofessional Lunchroom Monitor Lunchroom Monitor (2.5 Hour) 00006251 01/04/2024 Lindsey Elementary
Paraprofessional Lunchroom Monitor Lunchroom Monitor (2.5 Hour) 00006490 04/16/2024 Roberts Middle School
Paraprofessional Lunchroom Monitor Lunchroom Monitor (2.5 Hour) 00006278 01/23/2024 Adolphus Elementary
Paraprofessional Receptionist Receptionist/Print Production Assistant 00006678 08/05/2024 Administration Building
Paraprofessional Specialist/Technician Human Resources Support Specialist 00006705 09/04/2024 Human Resources
Paraprofessional Specialist/Technician Registered Behavior Technician 00004379 05/29/2020 Special Education
Paraprofessional Water Safety Instructor Water Safety Instructor 00006594 06/10/2024 Natatorium
Substitute Substitute Substitute Administrator 00005923
Substitute Substitute Substitute Nurse 00005924
Substitute Substitute Substitute Paraprofessional 00005925
Substitute Substitute Substitute Teacher 00005926
SummerSchool Natatorium Natatorium: Lifeguard 00002267 NATATORIUM
SummerSchool Natatorium Natatorium: Water Safety Instructor 00002268 NATATORIUM
SummerSchool Summer School Admin Asst/Clerk EOC Tutorial & Re-Test Attendance Clerk 00006406 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Admin Asst/Clerk EOC Tutorial & Re-Test Clerk 00006407 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Admin Asst/Clerk High School Attendance Clerk (Session #1) 00006408 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Admin Asst/Clerk High School Attendance Clerk (Session #2) 00006409 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Admin Asst/Clerk High School Clerk (Session #1) 00006410 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Admin Asst/Clerk High School Clerk (Session #2) 00006411 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Admin Asst/Clerk Junior High Attendance Clerk (Session #1) 00006412 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Admin Asst/Clerk Junior High Attendance Clerk (Session #2) 00006413 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Admin Asst/Clerk Junior High Clerk (Session #1) 00006414 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Admin Asst/Clerk Junior High Clerk (Session #2) 00006415 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Admin Asst/Clerk Pre-K/Kinder LEP Summer School Administrative Assistant 00006416 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School College/Career Summer School College/Career Facilitator 00006440 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Counselor High School Counselor (Session #1) 00006418 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Counselor High School Counselor (Session #2) 00006419 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Counselor Junior High Counselor (Session #1) 00006420 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Counselor Junior High Counselor (Session #2) 00006421 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Facilitator Special Education: Behavior/Social Skills Camp Facilitator 00006275 01/22/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Facilitator Special Education: Summer Academic Facilitator 00006271 01/19/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Facilitator Special Education: Summer Dyslexia Program Facilitator 00006272 01/19/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Facilitator Special Education: Summer Maintenance Program Facilitator 00006273 01/19/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Librarian High School Librarian (EOC) 00006422 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Librarian High School Librarian (Session #1) 00006423 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Librarian High School Librarian (Session #2) 00006424 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Librarian Junior High Librarian (Session #1) 00006425 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Librarian Junior High Librarian (Session #2) 00006426 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Nurse Summer School Nurse (LVN) 00006441 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Nurse Summer School Nurse (RN) 00006442 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Special Ed Special Education: Dyslexia Summer Program Teacher 00006431 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Special Ed Special Education: Maintenance Program Teacher 00006432 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Special Ed Special Education: Social Skills Camp Teacher 00006433 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Special Ed Special Education: Summer School Aide 00006435 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Special Ed Special Education: Summer School Teacher, Blast 4545 00006434 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Teacher Aide Pre-K/Kinder LEP Summer School Aide (Bilingual/ESL) 00006429 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Teacher Aide Pre-K/Kinder LEP Summer School Aide (Special Education) 00006430 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Teacher High School Credit Restoration Teacher (Session #1) 00006396 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Teacher High School Credit Restoration Teacher (Session #2) 00006397 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Teacher High School EOC Tutorial & Re-Test Teacher 00006398 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Teacher High School Original Credit Teacher (Session #1) 00006399 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Teacher High School Original Credit Teacher (Session #2) 00006400 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Teacher Junior High Credit Restoration Teacher (Session #1) 00006401 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Teacher Junior High Credit Restoration Teacher (Session #2) 00006402 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Teacher Pre-K/Kinder LEP Summer School Teacher (Bilingual/ESL) 00006403 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Teacher Pre-K/Kinder LEP Summer School Teacher (Special Education) 00006404 03/05/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Teacher STEAM EB Language Academy Teacher (6-10) 00006471 04/03/2024
SummerSchool Summer School Teacher Teacher, Summer School Dual Credit Mentor, High School 00006405 03/05/2024
Volunteer Observer OBSERVER 00000274
Volunteer Student Mentor STUDENT MENTOR 00003202 08/10/2017
Volunteer Student Teacher STUDENT TEACHER 00000275
Volunteer Volunteer VOLUNTEER 00000272